
Breaking The Silence: A Plea for Compassion and Truth in a Divisive Time

By: John H.

I have been struggling these past years, feeling voiceless, yet I have never taken the opportunity to express myself beyond my vote. That is no one’s fault but my own, and it is something I now seek to rectify. I have tried to live my life by showing others love and respect. I have often stumbled on my journey, but despite my many mistakes and missteps, I have made a conscious effort to show others the same kindness that I would want in return. I think this approach has led me to a more open and accepting mind, and it is an aspect of myself I hope only grows with time. However, I have learned at an accelerating rate over this past decade that not everyone shares this perspective.

In all too short a span of time, I have witnessed the rise of hate, the fall of facts and civil discourse, and the apathetic response of a distracted people. I associate with no political party—while I feel no judgment towards those that do, I have witnessed blind partisanship far too many times to want to associate with either “platform.” Similarly, I follow no creed—I arrived at a state of disbelief in my early teens and have been an atheist ever since. Like with my political views, I have traditionally harbored no judgment or ill will towards those of faith, insofar as they do not attempt to force their faith upon me. Again, I firmly believe the best outcomes are arrived at from a place of mutual respect.

That all being said, these past several years have truly put my open mind to the test. Not because I have ceased to “evolve” nor because of a change of heart, but rather due to a gradual erosion of the reality I once inhabited. Where I once believed reason and compassion to reign supreme in my fellow humans, I have found instead intent born of ignorance, and at times, of seeming malice.

Gradually, as the veil has lifted, I have borne witness to more and more of the ugly visage of intolerance—inviting violence when there should be discourse, abandoning progress in the name of an anarchic worldview, and forfeiting facts and justice in favor of self-interested gain. I have been raised to know the difference between right and wrong, and despite my own inherent fallibility, I still keep those lessons close to heart. This is why I feel it important to state, clearly and without ambiguity:

Those of you on the side of Trump, of the MAGA movement that has swept across the Republican party like a destabilizing storm—you DO NOT stand on the right side of history. This is not a condemnation of you, for we as humans are all prone to influence and deceit. This is a plea, an appeal to reason and compassion when it is needed most. I know I am not alone in the teachings of my upbringing—I know how to recognize a bully and a liar. The man you follow, the figurehead of your movement, exemplifies the very worst of human traits. Where, not that long ago, we would have shown disgust and horror at his words and actions, many of us now encourage it. You, the American people, are better than this. You DESERVE better than this. You are above the bald-faced lies of a wannabe king desperate to secure absolute power. Within all of us is the ability to understand, to show empathy and caring towards those of any walk of life. We exist on this minute planet in the dark, cold vastness of space, with no one to hold onto but each other.

The choice is clear, as are the paths ahead. We are all still creatures of free will and will abide by it—but I hope as sincerely as I can, that come November we, as Americans, speak with a unified and resolute voice. We will not accept lies instead of the truth, we will not seek to hurt where we can help, and no one, not even our elected leader, is above the law.